Your Start-Up's Brilliant Journey Begins Here

Propel your start-up's growth with the Brilliant Ventures fund.

Learn How

Your Startup's Brilliant
Begins Here

Propel your start-up's growth with the Brilliant Ventures Fund.

Learn How


The Brilliant Ventures fund (BV), facilitated by Brilliant Catalyst at Ontario Tech University, is an all-encompassing initiative tailored to nurture and amplify tech-powered start-ups.

Rooted in the ideals of "tech with a conscience", this program not only offers financial support but also grants start-ups access to the vast resources and expertise that the university ecosystem possesses. With a commitment to job creation, ethical technology application, and fostering Canadian innovation, participating start-ups can expect an unparalleled growth trajectory with BVF.



As a Brilliant Ventures Company - your start-up can enjoy these benefits.
As a member of the Brilliant
Catalyst Ventures Fund
your startup can enjoy these benefits.


In order to be eligible to apply to Brilliant Ventures, we recommend your start-up meet the following criteria:

Have a Viable MVP
Start-ups must present a functioning Minimum Viable Product.
Show a Commitment to Collaboration
A willingness to collaborate with students and researchers from Ontario Tech University.
Sector Focus
Preference given to start-ups in energy, mobility, and agri-tech, but open to other innovative sectors.
Canadian Basis
While not restrictive, Canadian-based ventures are given priority to foster local innovation.
Ethical Tech Alignment
Projects should align with "tech with a conscience," aiming to improve human and planetary well-being.



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